We have developed variety of charting solutions for our clients. This ranges from almost all types of financial charts (Heat map, Stock Chart, Bubble charts with multiple axis, Snail Chart, Histogram Chart, Complex Pie Chart and charts for various ratios) to simple charts.
Some of the features that have been used in our charts include drilldowns & annotations, flexible tooltips, slider, slide-show animation showing various periods.
We have considered various charting packages to accelerate and meet client requirements. Each charting package has its own benefits. For example, financial solutions require sophisticated & intuitive charts whereas simple charts are required for small application. We have built lot of complex charting work on Adobe Flex Charts, Popcharts, Amcharts and Microsoft Charts.
Some of the charting packages also provide portability benefit for multiple devices (Computers, Tablets and Mobile).
Final word, charts are only impressive when underlying data is robust and we have excellent data/algorithm analysing and generation team to build strong foundation for the charting work.
We have done a brief charting comparison for your benefit:-
Adobe Flex Charts
+ Adobe Flex provides by far the best API for charts and customisation
+ Full control on animation
+ Charts are generated on Flash
+ Any type of custom charts can be built using Adobe Flex
Pop Charts
+ Separate Engine to generate charts that runs on a different port
+ Advanced charts (Flash/gif) and flexible parameters
+ Scripts can be written to support automated chart generation
+ Handler to access Engine to generate charts can be written in various technology (.NET, cold fusion, java, etc).
.NET Charts (Microsoft Charts)
+ Built on .NET and works using the .NET Framework
+ Scripts can be written to support automated chart generation
+ Good Charts (gif)
+ Good variety of charts and bundles with advanced features of charts
.NET Charts (Dundas)
+ Built on .NET and works using the .NET Framework
+ Good charts (Flash/gif)
+ Scripts can be written to support automated chart generation
+ Advanced charts with animation can be generated.
.NET Charts (Telerik)
+ Good for simple solutions.
+ Built on .NET and works using the .NET Framework
+ Basic charts and limited flexibility
Google Cloud Charts
+ Good for simple solutions.
+ Good API for charts
+ Need to pass all the data to google Charts API Server to produce charts. Slows down speed with lot of data.
+ Advanced Flash/Flex/Silverlight charts.
+ Custom Charts to speed up development
Some of the features that have been used in our charts include drilldowns & annotations, flexible tooltips, slider, slide-show animation showing various periods.
We have considered various charting packages to accelerate and meet client requirements. Each charting package has its own benefits. For example, financial solutions require sophisticated & intuitive charts whereas simple charts are required for small application. We have built lot of complex charting work on Adobe Flex Charts, Popcharts, Amcharts and Microsoft Charts.
Some of the charting packages also provide portability benefit for multiple devices (Computers, Tablets and Mobile).
Final word, charts are only impressive when underlying data is robust and we have excellent data/algorithm analysing and generation team to build strong foundation for the charting work.
We have done a brief charting comparison for your benefit:-
Adobe Flex Charts
+ Adobe Flex provides by far the best API for charts and customisation
+ Full control on animation
+ Charts are generated on Flash
+ Any type of custom charts can be built using Adobe Flex
Pop Charts
+ Separate Engine to generate charts that runs on a different port
+ Advanced charts (Flash/gif) and flexible parameters
+ Scripts can be written to support automated chart generation
+ Handler to access Engine to generate charts can be written in various technology (.NET, cold fusion, java, etc).
.NET Charts (Microsoft Charts)
+ Built on .NET and works using the .NET Framework
+ Scripts can be written to support automated chart generation
+ Good Charts (gif)
+ Good variety of charts and bundles with advanced features of charts
.NET Charts (Dundas)
+ Built on .NET and works using the .NET Framework
+ Good charts (Flash/gif)
+ Scripts can be written to support automated chart generation
+ Advanced charts with animation can be generated.
.NET Charts (Telerik)
+ Good for simple solutions.
+ Built on .NET and works using the .NET Framework
+ Basic charts and limited flexibility
Google Cloud Charts
+ Good for simple solutions.
+ Good API for charts
+ Need to pass all the data to google Charts API Server to produce charts. Slows down speed with lot of data.
+ Advanced Flash/Flex/Silverlight charts.
+ Custom Charts to speed up development